PsL Monthly 1994 January
PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (January 1994).iso
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52 lines
January 1994
Dear Sysop,
Some of you may have noticed that in the FILES.BBS files for the PRGMMING
directories on last month's CD, some of the files ended with __@.EXE or
This came about because the producers of the CD premastering software we are
using told us that we could use non-alphanumeric characters in file names by
selecting a certain option in their software.
So we set up everything to go that way, and then at the last minute as we
copied the CD files from hard disk to tape, the premastering software kept
locking up and acting flakey. We finally had to turn off that option and
rename the files to eliminate the "__@" characters. The problem is that we
forgot to change the FILES.BBS files.
Only one sysop called us about this, so we don't know if this was a real
problem or not. A good text search-and-replace utility could fix the problem
in a few minutes.
-----FILES.BBS Files In One Place:
A sysop told us that it would make it easier to have all the FILES.BBS files
in one directory, with each file named to match its directory instead of being
named FILES.BBS.
We have done that this month. Look in the FILESBBS directory.
-----Using PsL's Write-Ups
A number of sysops have called to asked about copying our PSL_NEWS files
and/or FILES.BBS files onto their systems.
You can do so as long as you add notices saying that they are copyrighted by
Nelson Ford, PsL, and used with permission. Thanks for helping us protect our
-----Redistributing Programs
As is mentioned in our copyright license info many times, your right to
redistribute any of the programs on the PsL CD is subject to the copyright
restrictions of the individual authors.
Yet many sysops have called and mentioned that they upload the entire CD to a
hard disk